Spreading mechanismįrans spent quite some time analyzing the JavaScript and trying to figure out how the malware was spreading, which might seem like a simple task but it wasn’t. They decided to jointly write this second part of the analysis, which is going to describe the attack in detail. Frans had a good point, so they started to compare notes and found out that Frans had actually analyzed some of the parts that David hadn’t. At the same time as Kaspersky Lab were analyzing this threat, a few researchers where doing the same, including Frans Rosen, Security Advisor at Detectify.Īfter Frans saw David’s tweet about the blog post, he called David and asked why they were both doing the same job. It’s been a few days since Kaspersky Lab’s blog post about the Multi Platform Facebook malware that was spread through Facebook Messenger. Kaspersky Advanced Cyber Incident Communications.KasperskyEndpoint Detection and Response.KasperskyPhysical, Virtual & Cloud Workloads Security.KasperskyEndpoint Security for Business Advanced.KasperskyEndpoint Security for Business Select.